
“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 

What does the middle look like for you? It could be the middle of a day or a week, a season or a life. I don’t see how a middle can be anything but messy. There is always an instant that neatly defines each start – accepting a job, planting a seed, declaring a war. In a similar manner, there is a tick that distinctly clocks the end – an employee is let go, a field is harvested, a treaty is signed. 

It’s easy to get lost in the grand expanse of time between initiation and termination. Wandering in a wilderness of moments that appear to lack direction, meaning and purpose – yet knowing this is where life happens. Lessons are learned, character is conceived, perseverance is produced. 

It seems I should be an expert by now at synthesizing the intermediate, interpreting the median, evaluating the midterm, but sometimes I just feel surrounded and want to give up. Being in between is never comfortable. Which is why I take solace in a promise assuring God is always with me – from beginning, through the middle, until the end.