
I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” Lamentations 3:24

Waiting is a verb – the action of inaction. It is a time to ponder, contemplate, reflect. A curing process that both heals and cements. While I truly desire God’s timescale – living out each moment at the pace of his timestep seems longer than my heart can endure. And as the days turn into weeks that roll into months and revolve into years, I can only believe that capturing the fine detail of this trajectory is preferable to a coarse-grained path.

There is comfort in seeing the big picture, learning general principles, discovering fundamental quantities, but there is a richness found between the lines. A complexity revealed as you experience a thousand shades of grey in each unknown moment that passes. A beauty uncovered as you fixate on each element necessary to create the texture, patterns and form expressing movement in stillness. An understanding known only after you begin to count each passing second that will precisely sum up the end.